Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Dream of Destruction

    She was running down a dingy hallway and encountered a dark green apartment door. She was looking for somewhere to hide and didn’t know where the baby was. Bursting into a barely lit room, she doubled over, breathing heavily. She felt a presence in the room and looked up with a start. Two men sat cross-legged on the floor in the midst of chaos. Rumpled piles of soiled clothes and dirty dishes lay in mounds all around them as if their empire. They gawked at her in a hypnotized stupor, glassy eyes shining like the glint of a wild animal’s gaze from the shadows of the forest. They giggled together in slow motion, though their voices were high like pre-pubescent boys. With long scraggly hair shifting across their faces, she could not tell where their eyes kept wandering, until she realized that they were watching small rats scuttle across the floor and through the trash that surrounded them. She was stunned when she looked at the hands of the two men, which were stained red and brown from dirt and dried blood. For they were catching the rats in their bare hands and grasping them with such specified force that the rodents slid right out of their own skin and fur, to land on the heap of rubble, pink and naked. As she watched a few rounds of this gruesome activity, she suddenly felt free to leave the room and walk away from the ugliness. As she turned, the men began whispering to each other in slithery little tones, mentioning what a shame it was that she was leaving them; that they would have no one for whom to present their violent talents. But as soon as they expressed their disappointment, their faces contorted into moldy clay masks, and slid off to glide down their lean bodies. She exited the room and closed the door firmly behind her.

Jennifer Burnside

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