Monday, June 18, 2012

The Hideous Cow

    There was a hideous cow in all her glory, shrieking at the top of her despicable lungs. She painted a pretty picture, all red in the face on a pleasant afternoon. Like an uncapped fire hydrant she gushed forth curses galore as if they were loose turds being flung at an innocent wall. Imagine that such a wall could step to the side just in the nick of time to miss a splattering of filthy humiliation…but walls don’t swerve- they stand strong- until it’s time to amble away and reinvent the meaning of boundaries...With udders swinging haphazardly beneath a clashing blur of cheap tie-dye, the bloated cow bellowed miserably for all to hear, unaware of how ugly she appeared swathed in sheer anger. She chewed and spit her slimy cud with an undeniable vengeance that ate away deep holes in the paved sidewalk as only the most caustic of acids can. Her filthy attitude polluted the air with a sinister smog that grew so thick she could no longer see. After the exit door scooted closed with firm confidence, the hideous bovine made her way back to the toxic swamp from whence she came. And although she was quite fortunately never heard from again, we still catch a whiff of her stench on the breeze.

Jennifer Burnside

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