Monday, June 25, 2012


    Water rushes throughout your entire being like anguish up against itself. Your mind reels, wondering about your reactions, wondering why you are so eager to please and so prone to tears. How painful it is to say goodbye; you would almost rather not say hello at all because you cannot fathom how you were looked up after so much time in the first place. What is the meaning of your existence in the eyes of one too many someone elses, and why does it matter anyways what others think about you? They’re generally wrong, and such criticisms are a toxic fertilizer deceiving your heart into breathing deeply only to cough out the heart-ache a few miles down the boulevard. And you don’t know what is worse, the deception, the attempt to recover from the blow, or the tangle of emotions that tear you apart from the inside out. You wonder what it is inside of you that spills so easily and how shall you clean up the mess, each and every time? Is it a horrible mistake to allow a stranger to view your depths and what does it mean when someone known becomes a mere stranger? Ghosts take over the lives of those you resist loving and haunt you like the residue of carelessly applied glue. Some will eat glue in early school years; a sticky attempt to remain faithful to the self. Others manage to spill the glue all over so as to secure lingering deadweights and the guarantee of stagnancy galore. Lack of movement is the cluster of hallucinations that come into effect when view is limited to one wall lacking shape, lacking color. No memory or desire can beat the feeling of importance, of knowing that one fits and is rooted. Landslides crash down the hillside with you as the target, adding fuel to the fire of hypocrisy when what you say is what you veer clear away from doing. There is nothing more harmful than feasting upon self and forgetting the rest of the world. But what is there to do besides worry about the rest of the world, its tastes and reactions, and the complexity of each individual? Each and every one of us creates reactions by way of choice and then we in turn stand back to admire the results that may either implode or expire. The best of times are when absence blossoms and a silent moment grows slick with idea. Time alone burrows away from the dry and greedy sun, requesting two waters instead of one. And even while one voice so close and full of insistent claim drops monotonic through a floorless floor, closer echoes bear witness to appreciation, clasping honor head-on. Number one on any list is trust, for a series of taut backs are oft to be seen fading into a grey horizon that is neither dawn nor dusk. Lies are the juicy middle of endless dream worlds; without beginning or end. Arching into submission, a beam of light twists around to face the enemy of its nonexistent head; the false curl of its sadly unborn tail. No introduction or familiarity is necessary when all that you mean is goodness; rounded like a song in mid-air stretching across an expanse of liquid so dense it makes earth look drinkable. A smile stretched across the pupils consoles the soul by way of closure. Yet, trying too hard is sheer method for transparency, the kind that does not lead to intimacy, but strips away thick bark to reveal deadly mites with needle-point teeth etching away your life story across the back of a towering and yet strangely timid tree. You cease to fight because you come to fear joy itself, sidling over to the companionship of book ends, hollow at center but still standing. To exist as the substance for the support of a structure long since dismissed reminds you of how the familiar becomes so vague in the blind eyes of the weary. A good ways down the road you will encounter a lady on her porch rocking to the rhythm of life itself and rolling with the punches. Resistance feeds the black and blue like how the fight within yourself over yes or no seems to rip out your throat and feed it to the masses. Far better it is to meander apart from the others and trace shadows with your mind’s fingertips. Better to feel nothing at all; to save it all for later when more is safe. Sometimes the enemy has not the right to know or the ability to understand that the pieces of a heart while shattered will always remain close at hand to ride the waves of sweet and delectable pain each time they, together or unescorted, cross one kind of threshold or another. 
    Senses or not, it is kind to be aware. Slowly tasting the heat of a day, you savor and ponder experience before releasing it into the space of pure absence. It is good to keep in mind that most things make no sense whatsoever, especially concerning themes of love (which are all of what makes anything worth-while, either savored for the flicker or the flight). Sentences blend in this night of clashing and clanging and no one beat can agree to link or unlink, to defile or decorate where ground grows soft and water hard on the hair in the green of a day after plenty of words unsaid create stories in your head molding form into fiction and loss into delight...Yesterday you lost something that for someone else was a blessing and the only disguise worn was the cold lack of dismay. Still, two sweets tickled a fancy so in tune with reluctance the warm air bore down and you couldn’t make up your mind, so you merely sat and stared at them as if you were one of them churning with the wind against traffic and shortly prior to the click of a hang-up call. Certain people feel as if they are the hang-up call; that they have been put out like a match in a damp cave. Conversation continues on in your head and that is the most dangerous thing of all. Imagination chases away adoration with a cleaver and mocks all forms of amusement like reading backwards and upside-down in order to open a drawer in the subconscious mind that long ago stuck shut and rusted over. As of yet there exist no handles, and while bare in appearance and completely lacking any apparent function, the wooden contraption has lasted beyond the harsh words and farewells. Your latest lesson in life, whatever it may be, is something to practice frequently and with utter sincerity, as you plough forth into the land of ever-evolving enchantment.

Jennifer Burnside

Monday, June 18, 2012


    Sometimes the songs of birds sound mechanical, like a buzzer or some kind of alarm whining to itself in solitary desperation. At central depth of night, our surroundings ring like ancient neon lights, crying with mournful triple-strength at the brink of death. Random people, invisible behind the evergreens, associate coquettishly, blind under the impression that minus the sun, they are together alone. Triumphant carriages launch into departure, with full orchestras resounding from their famished bellies and bottomless urges. And despite the low gurgle of bass and bulbous tuba, the music shines classy under the witnessing stars. The blue gloss of daytime falsehood lies as a sheer coating, smudged but transparent still. And the devious undertakings of one too many hours ago point their minute hands at the fateful hour. Thus, night’s chalky skeleton can be seen through the thin skin of the day.
    There is a cricket who resides directly outside our bedroom window. He loves to fiddle away throughout the darkest hours until the break of dawn. When light begins to creep woozily over the rumps of the hills, he puts away his coarse instrument and falls into a pleasant slumber. What a royal life the cricket lives. He is our closest neighbor and alternates between serenading us into a state of utter bliss, and driving us slowly insane. It is a day in the night of Insomnia!

Jennifer Burnside


    The morning is clear and crisp and blue. The planets hide safely behind thick atmosphere of light, but I can sense their presence lingering with concern. The trees stand still in awe as beauty saunters by. And shadows paint perfect contrast across the surface of visible day. Looking for illusions today, seeing past sight and hearing genuine sound is choice meal on the menu. Don’t believe that the energy with which the birds use to sing and soar can drain the bones right out of your feet in milkshake fashion. Just breathe and smile, listen and learn, for truth is a camouflage. It is the texture of the forest through which pure waters flow with the shimmering iridescence of moonstone. All will be well, the waters whisper.

Jennifer Montemayor

Colliding into Death

    We visited the site of the accident yesterday. Pulling over onto the road’s soft shoulder, other vehicles flashed by with threatening gushes of hot air. The car’s hazard lights pumped our hearts into a frenzy of drumbeats. We found the path, the toppled branches snapped and raw, the trunks of strong trees missing chunks like a juicy apple that’s been bitten in to by a hungry mouth. The atmosphere hummed with emotion. Rusty blood marks shared clues of a story without a beginning or a definite end. We crouched to sort through the rubble, handling broken remnants with pensive caution. The tragedy is air-borne; it is contagious and stains the soul with sorrow. We are helpless and this feels horrible. Living through vague snatches of a nightmare, we faced sharp reality: the rearview mirror around which loops an ancient wooden rosary missing its cross-beam, a shattered window, shards of reflection, shiny discs of music speckled with life’s elixir spilled, pieces of a life lost, objects that once accompanied a young man through his daily life….We left a slice of our hearts by the side of the road at the scene of a loss.

Jennifer Burnside

Clutching Survival

    Somehow we exploded to a halt; lurching in agony and disappointment, our shiny sage dolphin gasped his final breath for the evening. A long sturdy whale saved the day in all his foul odor and glory, while the hot gusty winds heaved with aggression. Outside passed the waters and hairy hills, itching to shed their skin without shame. And we plowed forward with a vengeance.

Jennifer Burnside

Wolf's Cousins

    Naughty little creatures associate with one another in a fashion more complex than what meets the eye. Sauntering, circling, pawing at the other’s face with unrestrained envy, the tightly muscled canine believes she has willed her foe to retreat. She is hungry, greedy, and rules the roost. But he cares little for her superiority complex and high demeanor. Without a care, the licorice hound wanders off in search of more amusing diversions.

Jennifer Montemayor

The Game

    The air holds its breath in expectation. And a stern icy exhalation from distant coastal mountains cleanses life of its noon-time sweat. Excitement escalates and voices in chorus bustle like fast-talking sea-gulls. Everywhere there is movement and yet one moment in time seems frozen like the small turtle in a stagnant pond of a water-color painting. Frame by frame, the day passes in flickers like a cartoon court-jester playing hide-and-seek with his own shadow. And then, quite suddenly, the game is over and a multitude of neatly lined-up players clap hands with jolly satisfaction.

Jennifer Burnside

Passion Aroused

    Rippling down the drain, shards of old broken dreams collide in to one-another, causing a new form of music to transpire. Crystalline harmonies charm into existence the faintest and most obscure buds of new hope, who in turn, blossom into unexpected desires. Not all dreams can be retained in the thick scheme of things. Even as perception writhes and molds itself into fresh forms, the subconscious mind gazes keenly at itself in the mirror, pantomiming recognition. Expectations make a U-turn and soon become lost amidst a tangle of arteries and half-truths. Wandering lost between countless pools of softly drowned yesterdays, one comes to realize how soggy is life without the sun. How dull are windows without the light. How dismal grows the day that lacks a song. And so we cartwheel across the field, swim across the river, and claim the only heart we were ever truly meant to love—one mate of the soul, pure and constant, deliciously divine, yours and mine.

Jennifer Burnside

The Hideous Cow

    There was a hideous cow in all her glory, shrieking at the top of her despicable lungs. She painted a pretty picture, all red in the face on a pleasant afternoon. Like an uncapped fire hydrant she gushed forth curses galore as if they were loose turds being flung at an innocent wall. Imagine that such a wall could step to the side just in the nick of time to miss a splattering of filthy humiliation…but walls don’t swerve- they stand strong- until it’s time to amble away and reinvent the meaning of boundaries...With udders swinging haphazardly beneath a clashing blur of cheap tie-dye, the bloated cow bellowed miserably for all to hear, unaware of how ugly she appeared swathed in sheer anger. She chewed and spit her slimy cud with an undeniable vengeance that ate away deep holes in the paved sidewalk as only the most caustic of acids can. Her filthy attitude polluted the air with a sinister smog that grew so thick she could no longer see. After the exit door scooted closed with firm confidence, the hideous bovine made her way back to the toxic swamp from whence she came. And although she was quite fortunately never heard from again, we still catch a whiff of her stench on the breeze.

Jennifer Burnside

Looking Back Fondly- Living Now Strongly

    With “The Cure” lighting the morning’s path, I remembered our life in the woods, the mysterious world that was our future gaping at us with possibility…everything glowed with enchantment even when sorrow rained upon our souls. I still have the blue bottle of 1 dram Frankincense from “The Perfumed Dragon” of The Renaissance Faire. Smelling that sweet earthen scent, I am transported to dusty paths and beaming faces of actors full of energy and humor. We spoke in poetry and felt art and music with our sixth senses. Now we keep those memories closed up tight within intricate treasure boxes. Time passes and we forget what is contained inside these precious faded parcels. So much has happened, changed, and grown, and we have flown off to our own mountains. We gaze at the sea; in the eyes of our minds the tides charm with moon’s sacred rhythm. Looking back fondly- living now strongly…
    Here the birds sing as if in harmony. They represent an array of colors and moods, yet beckon the sunrise each morning in their own unique way. We went to the maze on Sunday and discovered a Hawaiian carving that appears to be a totem. It guards over our dreams with focused clarity…
    Or perhaps it draws the subconscious mind out of its clam-shell to reveal pearls of well-ripened wisdom…
    I hear cars rushing like a waterfall, somewhere gliding along softly in the distance. These metallic dolphins gleefully race one another in the night. They create waves with their movement.
    An energy paces through my system and I can hear new path-ways being formed. Perhaps I am bursting with sheer delight for there is a small creature, assembled by pure passion that bats at invisible flies inside of my belly. We saw the truth with our very own eyes and like for a cartoon in black and white, the soundtrack must be spicy…for the blessed star is jitterbugging away!

Jennifer Burnside